Featured February 2, 2021 Top 5 Covid-Related Trial Surprises I’ve been getting a lot of questions about trials that occurred late last year and… Visual Advantage Love0
Featured July 1, 2019 The Married Couple, the Witch and the Courtroom When people ask me what I do, my clever response is, “I work with civil… Visual Advantage Love0
Featured July 1, 2019 4 Characteristics to Look for When Vetting a New Trial Technician That should be your goal. You should have so much trust in the person pulling… Visual Advantage Love0
Featured July 1, 2019 4 Ways to Bore Your Jury to Tears and Lose Your Case Ding. Beep. Buzz. Flash. Waggle. Pulse. Flicker. Hum…. SILENCE! By the rule of law, you… Visual Advantage Love0